The Central Whidbey Sportsmen’s Association (CWSA)
Mission Statement
The CWSA was founded on 11 December 1947 with the principles of comradery and sportsmanship
being foremost considerations. By providing and maintaining a premiere facility to
foster the shooting sports, the aims of the founders will be self-perpetuating.
The CWSA will continue to provide a safe environment where firearm
enthusiasts may exercise and share their fondness of the shooting sports. This
will be accomplished through offered firearm education in all disciplines,
friendly competitions, and meetings related to those topics.
Recognizing that a positive public perception is paramount to the success
of the CWSA’s mission, the Association and its members will always practice
sound principles of citizenship and fellowship. To that end, all will be encouraged
to join the Association, participate in its offerings, and contribute to its
mission in any way possible.
By Gary Raster
Membership applications are for new member only and can be found in the White mailbox at the entrance gate or please downloaded Here – requires pdf reader. We are accepting new memberships on 25 January 2025, please contact Larry Memmer at lgmem@comcast.net for more membership information. Please print out an application and complete this form and bring it with you from this website. Also, there are blank forms in the club house and in the mailbox by the gate. Renewal members will be notified by EZ Facilities to renew your membership.
FOB KEY TURN-IN. If you did not renew your membership for 2025. Please return your key in the white bottle on the clubhouse countertop or you can put keys in Mailbox by the gate or mail to 397 West Safari Street Coupeville, WA 98239
***GENERAL MEETING ** Are on the second Monday of each Month at 7:00pm. **Board meetings** are the 4th Monday of the month from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
Membership Renewal Dates for 2025
The best way to renew is online at the convenance of your home, otherwise dates listed below are for those people who must come in and pay by cash. Please renew online to beat the long lines of those people paying by cash. These are the only Renewal dates for 2025 membership in person. If you don’t pay on one of those dates, you’ll have to pay online or mail your check in. Keys will turn off on 14 January 2025 for those people who haven’t paid their dues. For those wishing to pay online invoices will start coming out on 1 November 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Memmer at lgmem@comcast.net or Ralph Young at Ral.cwsa@gmail.com
2025 Membership Renewal dates are listed below
18 December 2024 Membership Renewal 4:00pm to 6:30pm.
13 January 2025 Membership Renewal 4:00pm to 6:30pm
14 January your Fob key turns off and a $25.00 reinstatement fee
Please print a copy of our membership application/waiver and a copy of the range rules and bring them with you if you are a new member. All Orientation Briefs will take place at the end of membership process for new members. Please bring a lunch.
25 January 2025 Sign up for new member applications in processing at 10:30am and orientation will start approximately at 12:30.
8 March 2025 Sign up for new member applications in processing at 10:30am and orientation will start approximately at 1:00 pm to about 2:30 pm.
17 May 2025 Sign up for new member applications in processing at 10:30am and orientation will start approximately at 1:00 pm to about 2:30 pm.
19 July 2025 Sign up for new member applications in processing at 10:30am and orientation will start approximately at 1:00 pm to about 2:30 pm.
20 September 2025 Sign up for new member applications in processing at 10:30am and orientation will start approximately at 1:00 pm to about 2:30 pm. Last new member orientation for 2025.
Service projects are held on the first Sunday and Wednesday of each month starting at 9:00am. If these days do not work for you, please contact Ed Hilkey at (360) 929-2896. Remember all members must complete 1 service project per year or pay a $50.00 penalty when you renew your membership, as of July 2022. Members who are 75 years old in good standing for five years and are disabled by the State with a (license or Placard); or by a doctor’s statement do not have to perform a annual service project. Members older than 80 years of age shall be exempt from work party service without incurring the additional fee.
Shotguns rules
Shotguns are only allowed on the Trap Range, Pattern board and Bay 6 utilizing Lead shot 7 1/2 or smaller. Slugs can be use in the old short range behind the club house and the 100 and 200 yard ranges “ONLY” to sight in your shotgun for hunting, Bay 6 has a new shotgun target made of hog fencing that is 12′ long and should hold up to led shot. Please bring clothes pin or tape to hang your targets up. Shot guns are not allowed on any other range except what was mentioned above!!!!!!!
Range Rules Have Been Updated
Posted on 25 April 2022 Administration Range Rules
The Range Rules have been updated. It is every members responsibility to understand and follow the Range Rules. Click on the Range Rules link in the navigation sidebar to the left top bring them up. A downloadable PDF version is linked at the top of that page.
How do I get there?
397 West Safari Street, Coupeville WA 98239. Is the main mailing address, we have stopped using the PO Box for Mail and now use the address above.
If you are starting North of Coupeville, travel South on Hwy 20 until you pass Island County Transit building and bus barn on the left. You will see the entrance to CWSA on the right-hand side opposite the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If you are starting South of Keystone Ferry, travel North on Hwy 525 until you pass Salmagundi Farms. You’ll see the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on the right and the entrance to the CWSA on the left.
When are the meetings?
General Meetings are the second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. If you are interested in joining the Association, contact the Membership Secretary listed under Executive Board or above.
The Board of Director’s meeting is the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. All members are welcome to attend.