Upcoming Classes and Training 2024-25


Stop the Bleeding classes are taught by certified instructors that will teach you how to stop bleeding from cuts to gunshot wounds. Please contact Sigi at (360) 969-3678 or email her at sigirob@me.com To reserve a seat in the class. These classes will be held on the following dates and all fall on Wednesdays:

17 January 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

20 March 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

22 May 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

17 July 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

18 September 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

13 November 2024 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

You can sign up for these classes by emailing Sigi Johnson at sigirob@me.com or calling (360) 969-3678 for more information.

CPR/First Aide/ AED training

26 October 2024 from 0800 to 12:00pm. Signup with Larry Memmer at lgmem@comcast.net and please provide your name, phone number, and email address. This class is full.

CWSA Introduction to Firearms Pistol Training

This class will teach Basic Pistol Firearm Safety to include Situational Awareness, Mental Awareness, Threat awareness, Defensive Shooting elements, conduct after a shooting, Gun Safety, Gun Handling, Shooting Elements, Ammunition, and Handgun Selection, Accessories. To sign up please contact Al Lindell at (360) 678-0960

Not Scheduled as of 1/1/2025


This class is designed as an extension of the Women’s Basic Firearm Safety Class. This class centers around the versatile and extremely popular AR-15 style firearm and is taught by a husband and wife that are competitive shooters and have attended first rate training themselves on this platform. The course will spend a couple of hours in the classroom learning the history, design, and components of the AR platform. The instruction will then move to the range where students will have an opportunity to shoot .22, 5.56-, and 9-mm AR type firearms. Bring snacks and liquids. Eye and Hearing protection are required and will be available if you don’t have your own. Class size is limited to eight students, and you must register. Contact Dianne or Gary Raster at (360) 679-8375 for information or to register for the class.

27 July 2025 0900-1500

29 June 2025 0900-1500


Central Whidbey Sportsman’s Association located at 397 W. Safari Street, 2 1/2 miles South of Coupeville, Washington off HWY 20 is offering a Free Women’s Firearms Class. Instruction is by retired deputies of the Island County Sheriff’s Office. Class will run from 0900 to 1700. Class will cover Safety, Types of firearms, Operation of firearms and Shooting. There will be class time and time on the range. Firearms and ammunition will be provided, and you may bring your own firearm and ammunition if available. Class size will be limited to 20 students over the age of 18 years. Bring a lunch and drink, also eye and hearing protection if you have them, if not eye and hearing protection will be provided. to register for the class please contact R. Clark at (360) 929-2167 or E. Ortego at (360) 929 8918

24 May 2025 0900-1600

21 June 2025 0900-1600

19 July 2025 0900-1600


How to register for the class:
The main page is wdfw.wa.gov
Next click on the “Hunting” tab.
Find and click on “In person classes” there are open classes listed, they will be listed by city and date.
Click on class wanted – will get “enroll now?” tab.
Fill in required info. If your child is under 18 a parent permission form must be signed by the parent and brought to the first day of class, also, students must complete the Washington’s 2024 Big Game Hunting Seasons & Regulation Pamphlet Worksheet prior to class and turn it in as well.

4 January 2025 Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm Washington State Field Skills Class for on-line course.

10 May 2025 Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00 pm Washington State Field Skills Class for on-line course.

9 -12 July 2025 starting at 6:00pm to 9:00pm on Saturday 12 July from 9:00am to 1200pm. Traditional Class.

10-13 September 2025 starting at 6:00pm to 9:00pm and on Saturday 13 September from 9:00am to12:00pm. Traditional Class.

Night Shooting

Time: Starting 4:00pm to 5:00pm Bays 7&8

23 October 2024

20 November 2024

18 December 2024

15 January 2025

12 February 2025

12 March 2025

Optional equipment:

Rifle with a mounted light and a sling.

1 extra rifle magazine

200 rounds

Again, this is a more advanced course. Please if you don’t feel comfortable to move and shoot, or shoot in the dark please email me and I will give you a daytime training session for free or if you just want a beginner course please email me and we will work something out.

There will be moving this shoot as well as communication.

It will still be a standard format, coming while it’s still daylight , get some warmup reps in, get a good feeling for your equipment and adjust while it’s still daylight. We want your gear to be universal between day and night.

Again, your guest is your responsibility as well as making sure they have the correct gear to shoot with. If they don’t, they will be asked to leave unless we can figure something out. But I’m going to assume if they don’t have gear to shoot at nighttime then they aren’t at a level to be at a night shoot. I’m sorry but safety is my priority above all else.

Please email me or call/text directly with any questions or concerns and I will be happy to answer them.

Joshua.m.smith00@gmail.com cell: 814-441-7226


Free online training for E2HB1143; Revised code of Washington RCW9.41.090. After completing the training, you will meet the new Washington State gun Laws Starting on 1 January 2024 according to Sporting System Vancouver. Please click on link to take the class. https://sporting-systems.com/free-hb1143-training/


????? Home firearms safety 1300 to 1700 register online at

https://.nrainstructors.org?CourseDetails.aspx?Courseid=826439&seats =15&state=y&SearchState=WA&id=4&youth=&women or register at NRA.org The cost for the class is $25.00 to the NRA when you register online and $11.50 to the instructor at the beginning of the class for class materials. For more information you can contact Scott Davis at scottd@whidbey.com